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Listening and smelling is one of the four methods of diagnosis. It refers to listening to the sounds coming from the internal organs and smelling the odours from the body as a means to know the patient’s condition. Sounds and odours from the body display physiological and pathological activities of the internal organs. Through listening and smelling, the doctor is able to detect the patient’s condition of internal organs and the Listening and smelling is one of the four methods of diagnosis. It refers to listening to the sounds coming from the internal organs and smelling the odours from the body as a means to know the patient’s condition. Sounds and odours from the body display physiological and pathological Activities of the internal organs. Through listening and smelling, the doctor is able to detect the patient’s condition of internal organs and the
改革开放以来,中国美术创作发生了翻天覆地的变化, 一大批优秀艺术家结合新的社会背景及文化需要进行了开创性的艺术实验,这不仅使中国现当代艺术逐渐作为一种新的艺术传统而
在传统的计量检定中 ,往往以出厂等级指数或准确度作为被检计量器具是否合格的判断依据 ,导致企业增大支出或带来损失 ,增加企业运营成本 ,且以传统的仪表等级指数意义下的检
5月 2 5日 ,柯达公司在北京召开了 2 0 0 0年影像与信息管理巡回展 (第一站 )。柯达公司的高层人士出席了开幕式并发表讲话。 3 0 0多位代表对巡回展的设备和技术产生浓厚的
药用:明矾一块(杏核大)。用法:睡前塞入肛门内,早晨取出。连用2~3次即愈。 Medicinal: Alum (apricot kernel large). Usage: Plug into the anus before going to bed and
To determine precisely the influence of high blood pressure and age on the baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), we measured it in conscious genetically hypertensive (
细胞外基质成分Ⅳ型胶原、lam inin 和fibronectin 是微血管基膜的主要成分。10 例死于脑室内出血(Intraventricular hem orrhage,IVH)的早产儿和10 例死于非脑室内出血的早产儿,每例取侧脑室壁和脉络丛两份标本。用抗Ⅳ型胶原、lam inin