自建国以来,金属回收管理机构至今已几经变迁,回忆金属回收机构设置的历史,对我们的工作不无指导作用。 1949年建国初期,废钢铁是自由交易的。当时,由于我国的钢产量不多,也没有看到钢铁生产将会受到废钢铁的影响.随着钢产量的逐年增加,废钢铁的供应紧张,钢厂的炉料发生困难,于是国家钢铁
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the organization of metal recycling has changed several times so far and the history of setting up metal recycling agencies has been recalled. It has no guiding effect on our work. The founding of 1949, scrap steel is freely traded. At that time, due to the small amount of steel in our country, we did not see the steel production will be affected by the scrap steel.With the increasing steel output, the supply of scrap steel is tight and the burden of the steel mills is hard to come by,