人类面临新时代 知识和智慧成为资源整合的核心力量。随着世界新技术革命浪潮的兴起,物质财富呈现基本饱和与相对过剩状态,精神产品生产再生产的规模将不断扩大并吸引更多的资源向其集中,知识、智慧和情感将成为经济发展的主要动力,以精神产品生产为龙头的新兴产业正逐步成
Mankind faces a new era of knowledge and wisdom as the core force of resource integration. With the rise of the new wave of technological revolution in the world, the material wealth shows a state of basic saturation and relative surplus. The scale of the production and reproduction of spiritual products will continue to expand and attract more resources to concentrate on it. Knowledge, wisdom and emotion will become the major economic development Motivation, the emerging industries with the production of spiritual products as the leading industry is gradually becoming