阐述了环氧树脂的增韧方法和机理,对陶氏化学FORTEGRATM 202环氧增韧剂在不同固化体系中的性能表现进行了研究。并与环氧胶粘剂中常用的端羧基丁腈橡胶(CTBN)或与环氧预聚的端羧基丁腈橡胶CTBN-Epoxy进行了性能对比。研究表明FORTEGRA 202环氧增韧剂除产品本身的低黏度所带来的配方调整空间更大的优势外,固化物还具有玻璃化转变温度高,拉剪强度更高,断裂韧性和透明度更好等优势。
The toughening method and mechanism of epoxy resin were expounded. The performance of Dow Chemical’s epoxy toughener 202 in different curing systems was studied. It was compared with the commonly used carboxylated nitrile rubber (CTBN) in epoxy adhesives or CTBN-Epoxy with epoxy prepolymers. Studies have shown that FORTEGRA 202 epoxy toughening agent in addition to the low viscosity of the product itself brings the formula adjustment space greater advantages, the cured material also has a high glass transition temperature, higher tensile strength, fracture toughness and transparency better And other advantages.