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在设计中国第一辆高级轿车红旗CA72两排座时,如果孟少农的方案能够得以实现,那么,现在的红旗轿车会不会是另外一番情景?中国轿车工业基地的梦想会不会早日实现?这是在听史汝楫老人家的口述历史时,一直在思考的一个问题。历史无法假设,也无法改变,这是中国汽车工业的遗憾和悲哀。在这个被浮噪、喧嚣充斥的汽车业界,还有多少人能够沉淀下来倾听这些真实的声音?倾听历史的反思?本期,《汽车商业评论》邀请史汝楫老先生为我们讲述的中国第一辆轿车东风样车以及第一辆量产轿车红旗CA72两排座的设计和制造细节,听他自暴其非,为我们还原那段历史1916年,史汝楫出生在江苏宜兴。1940年,战乱年代,这位成绩优异的学子从浙江大学机械系毕业后,到贵阳一家汽车修理厂工作,后赴美国的斯蒂倍克(Studebaker)汽车厂和福特汽车厂实习,为他成为汽车设计专家打下基础1949年上海刚刚解放,他回到祖国。1952年,他被中国汽车工业创始人之一的孟少农慧眼识珠,引入汽车工业筹备组,随后进入一汽在那里的36年中,他历任工艺处中央设计室主任,设计处副处长、轿车厂副厂长兼总工程师,1986年退休前任总厂技术委员会副主任。在位于长春的家中,史老至今还保留着一张泛黄的老照片。照片的背景是在中南海的小花园里,时任一汽设计处副处长的他正向毛主席介绍东风轿车的相关情况这是一张弥足珍贵的照片——关于中国第一辆轿车的报道已被太多笔墨触及,但你却很难见到这张原版照片,它因种种原因被刻意淡化掉或许这个问题的另一面就是,在那个年代,一个不是党员的同志怎么可能有机会护送中国第一辆轿车到中南海呢?史汝楫已经94岁,在《汽车商业评论》的访谈中,他说自己抗日战争胜利前赴美国实习,1949年上海刚解放就回国,但是他又表示在美国只实习了不到2年时间除去其坐船远赴重洋所需的较长时间外,有一段时间不能吻合,只能留待日后从其他地方考证。无论如何,感谢史汝楫,祝愿老人健康长寿。 In the design of China’s first sedan red flag CA72 two rows of seats, if Meng Shaonin’s program can be achieved, then the current red flag sedan will be a different scenario? China’s car industry base, the dream will not be realized as soon as possible? This is a problem that has been under consideration when listening to the oral histories of the elderly of Shi Rutong. History can not be assumed, can not be changed, this is the regret and sorrow of China’s auto industry. How many people can settle down to listen to these real voices in the noise-riddled and noisy car industry? Listen to the historical reflection? In this issue, the Automotive Business Review invited Mr. Shi Ruyuan to tell us the first Chinese car Sedan Dongfeng car and the first production car Hongqi CA72 two rows of seat design and manufacturing details, listen to his own faults, to restore that period of history in 1916, Shi Ruyi was born in Yixing, Jiangsu. In 1940, during the war years, the outstanding student graduated from Mechanical Engineering Department of Zhejiang University, went to a car repair shop in Guiyang and then went to the Studebaker and Ford Motor Depot in the United States to practice for him. Car design experts lay the foundation 1949 Shanghai just liberated, he returned to the motherland. In 1952, Meng Shaonun, one of the founders of China’s automobile industry, learned from his beads and was introduced into the automotive industry preparatory team. After 36 years in which FAW was there, he served as director of the Central Design Office, Deputy Chief of Design Department, Deputy factory director and chief engineer, 1986 retired former plant technical committee deputy director. In Changchun’s home, Shi Lao still retains a yellowed old photos. Photo of the background is a small garden in Zhongnanhai, he was the deputy director of FAW design department is introduced to Chairman Mao Dongfeng sedan related information This is a precious photo - on China’s first sedan reports Has been touched by too much ink, but it is very hard for you to see this original photograph. It has been deliberately diluted for various reasons. Perhaps the other side of the question is how at that time a comrade who was not a party member might have the opportunity to escort China Shi Ruyong, already 94, said in an interview with the Automobile Business Review that he went to the United States for an internship in the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. In 1949, Shanghai returned to liberation but just stated that he only interns in the United States Less than 2 years to get rid of the long time it takes to go to the oceans by boat, there is a period of time can not match, can only be left to textual research from other places in the future. In any case, I would like to thank Shi Ruyu for wishing the elderly health and longevity.
卡那霉素过敏性休克致死者近年来国内主要文献未见报告。现将我院1986年2月所遇一例报告如下: 一、例病介绍:患者,男性,55岁,系本市干部。因咳嗽、咳痰、发热、胸闷3天到卫
编者按:大会将于11月7日在上海开幕。届时,有来自世界五大洲超过100个国家的2 000多名博物馆馆长、文化遗产专家、博物馆学研究者汇聚上海,以“博物馆致力于社会和谐”为主题