英国煤管局采矿研究开发处(MRDE)于1972年着手小型电子计算机应用于煤矿作业监控试验工作。鉴于1977年在布洛滋沃斯(Brodsworth)和巴格沃斯(Bagworth)煤矿试验运行的经验,于1976—1977年间该处研制成功了标准化的专门用于煤矿作业监控的 MINOS 系统。据1976—1977年
British Mining Administration Mining Research and Development Office (MRDE) in 1972 to start small computers used in coal mine operations monitoring test work. Given the experience of the 1977 trial operations at the coal mines in Brodsworth and Bagworth, a standardized MINOS system was developed for coal mine operations monitoring during 1976-1977. According to 1976-1977