以籼稻恢复系成恢448和保持系川香29B为受体品种,从全球水稻分子育种计划的核心种质中选择100 ̄110个材料做供体品种,构建了成恢448、川香29B近等基因导入系各2500份。将这些回交后代在生物和非生物胁迫环境中进行大规模筛选,获得了一批对低磷、干旱、稻瘟病和白叶枯病有较强抗、耐性的导入系,以及产量配合力好、高抗稻瘟病的新恢复系。
The indica restorer line Chenghui 448 and the maintainer Daochuanxiang 29B were used as acceptor varieties. 100-110 of the core germplasms of the global rice molecular breeding program were selected as the donor varieties, and Chenghui 448 and Chuanxiang 29B were constructed Other gene transfer system 2500 each. The backcross generations of these backcross were screened in large scale in the environments of biotic and abiotic stress, and a number of inbred lines with strong resistance and tolerance to low phosphorus, drought, rice blast and bacterial leaf blight were obtained, and the yield combining ability was good , A new restorer line that is highly resistant to rice blast.