Patient, female, 41 years old. Due to repeated chest tightness in February, palpitation and fainting, admitted to hospital on February 25, 1991. Physical examination: blood pressure 18 / 8kPa, Shen Qing, automatic position, the heart is not big, heart rate 44 beats / min, heart sound low blunt, sternal left margin 2 to 3 intercostal can smell Ⅱ / 6 systolic murmur. ECG third degree atrioventricular block, echocardiography and other laboratory tests found no abnormalities. After admission with atropine, isoproterenol and other drugs and hormone therapy is invalid. On the 3rd post-admission episode of 2 Asperger syndrome, ECG showed nocturnal anemia, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation. After thoracic cardiac pressure and lidocaine treatment ineffective. 200