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近日,中国校友会网发布最新高考状元调查报告指出,状元们在职场上表现远低于预期,除学界和文学界已出现少数几位“职场状元”外,大部分状元的职业成就并不突出。(据《京华时报》)高考成绩已出炉,谁家的孩子成为今年的高考状元,成为不 Recently, the Chinese Alumni Network released the latest college entrance examination report pointed out that the tops in the workplace performance far below expected, in addition to academic and literary world has emerged a few “career champion ”, most of the champion's professional achievement and Not prominent. (According to “Beijing Times”) college entrance examination results have been released, who's children become the top college entrance exam this year, become not
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