学党史 颂党恩 跟党走——纪念中国共产党成立九十周年

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通过学习中国共产党的光辉历史,赞颂中国共产党领导中华民族从胜利走向胜利,惠及人民比山高比海深的恩情,才能真正认识到中国共产党的伟大、光荣和正确,从而增强跟党走的自觉性,跟党走的决心和信心。 By studying the glorious history of the Communist Party of China and praising the Chinese Communist for leading the Chinese nation from victory to victory and benefiting the people more than the mountains and deep sea, can we truly understand the greatness, honor and correctness of the Chinese Communist Party so as to enhance the consciousness of running with the Party The determination and confidence to follow the party.