国防建设以国民经济发展为基础, 国防建设为国民经济发展提供安全保障。党的三代领导人对如何处理国防建设和国民经济建设的关系有许多论述。江泽民结合新时期国防建设的实际情况,对两者协调发展作了更为系统的阐述: 国防现代化是四个现代化的重要内容; 国防建设和军事斗争准备, 必须能够确保国家的利益和安全; 按照社会主义市场经济的要求, 建立国防建设和经济建设协调发展的机制。这是江泽民对毛泽东、邓小平关于国防建设思想的新发展和新贡献。
National defense builds on the basis of national economic development and national defense construction provides security for the development of the national economy. There are many expositions on how the three generations of leaders of the party handle the relationship between national defense construction and national economic construction. In light of the actual conditions of national defense building in the new period, Jiang Zemin made a more systematic exposition of the coordinated development of the two. National defense modernization is an important part of the four modernizations. National defense construction and preparations for military struggle must ensure the interests and safety of the country. The requirements of a socialist market economy and the establishment of a mechanism for the coordinated development of national defense and economic construction. This is Jiang Zemin’s new development and new contributions to Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on national defense.