英国当代剧作家哈罗德品特(Harold Pinter 1930—2008)一生获奖无数,除2005年的诺贝尔文学奖外,他还获得了奥地利文学奖、莎士比亚奖、欧洲文学大奖、皮兰·德娄奖、大卫·科恩大不列颠文学奖、劳伦斯·奥利佛奖以及莫里哀终身成就奖等。此外,他还有14个大学的荣誉学位。除了撰写舞台剧剧本,品特还为广播剧、电影和电视剧写过剧本,同时他也是著名导演和演员,曾获得过两次奥斯卡奖提名和七次英国电影学院奖提名。
Harold Pinter (1930-2008), a British contemporary dramatist, has won numerous awards in his life. In addition to the 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature, he also received the Austrian Literary Prize, the Shakespeare Prize, the European Literary Prize, the Piran Demol Award, David Cohen Great Britain Literature Award, Lawrence Oliver Award and Moliere Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition, he has 14 honorary degrees from universities. In addition to writing theatrical scripts, Pinter has also written scripts for radio dramas, films and television dramas, and he is also a well-known director and actor who has received two Academy Awards and seven Academy Awards nominations.