读你刊1992年第8期《关于养路费滞纳金计算方法之我见》一文后,有一点不同的意见。 「当月养路费滞纳天数即为缴费日历数」似有不妥。按征收规定,车主应于月底前缴清次月养路费,所以「次月」养路费在「次月」或「次月」以后的任何时间缴纳即可视为拖欠,当月滞纳天数不应从「缴
After reading your article, No. 8, 1992, “My Opinion on the Calculation Method of Maintenance Charges for Late Payment Fees”, I have a little different opinion. It seems that there is something wrong with the number of calendar days that the number of late payment of road maintenance fee is the payment calendar. According to the regulations on collection, owners should pay the maintenance fees of the next month before the end of the month. Therefore, any payment of maintenance fees for the “next month” at any time after the “next month” or “next month” can be regarded as default. "pay