该书面向21世纪、面向全国各类读者,全国新华书店发行,是第一部简明、全面、系统,普及性、权威性地介绍印刷及相关行业业务实用知识的大型综合性科普读物和工具书。该书由中国印刷科学技术研究所、国家新闻出版署印刷产品质量监督检测中心、印刷工业出版社与北京开福科技发展中心组织印刷领域的知名专家联合编著,200万字左右,精装,大1 6开,突出简洁性、实用性和工具性,将
Written in the 21st century for all types of readers in the country, the National Xinhua Bookstore is the first concise, comprehensive, systematic, universal, authoritative introduction of practical knowledge of printing and related industries, large-scale comprehensive popular science books and reference books. . The book is jointly edited by well-known experts in the field of printing organized by the China Institute of Printing Science and Technology, the State Press and Publication Administration, the Printing Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, the Printing Industry Press and the Beijing Kaifu Technology Development Center, with a total volume of 2 million words. Open, highlighting simplicity, practicality and tools, will