The doctrine of progress in the eighteenth century consisted of three principles: first, believing that man could become perfect; second, believing in the unity of mankind; and thirdly, thinking that there was a movement in the history of mankind for the purpose of progress. I think the basic argument of this progressive doctrine is still correct. In the process of historical development, people are slowly becoming rationalized and moralized. Morality affects society mainly through religion and law, and in both of these areas, the rational factors all play a huge and complex role. In a democratic society, not only is law increasingly close to the moral awareness of society, but much effort has been made to explain the scope of the law. Under the dictatorship, the law has been thoroughly moralized. In the view of a democratic society, this is not a move forward, but a step backwards. When moral values gain a rational agreement with our knowledge of human nature and its possibilities, they have the power to encourage and support social action. Now more clearly than in the past, and if progress is possible, it must be a matter for all humanity. Today humans can be conceived as five or six major groups: (1) East Asia (China and Japan); (2) India withholding Indonesia; (3) Islamic States; (4) Russia and its satellite states; (5) ) Western world; (6) Emerging African countries. None of these groups developed independently by leaving or being able to leave the rest of the group. Economically speaking, further development can only be achieved in a global economy. Politically speaking, peace can not be divided. The pace of human unification is clearly accelerating. Marx’s point of view on the purpose of life or the principle of social justice does not differ from the rationalism of humanitarianism. An important aspect of human unity is the unification of law. The concepts of equality and freedom, if properly reinterpreted, are also valuable in dealing with the relations among nations. There is already a world where conscience begins to take shape. The task of ethics and sociology is to further clarify the self-directed concept of human nature, point out its actual meaning, give it a vivid and imaginative performance in order to turn it into a guiding force.