巴方廷这个名字,就是荆楚之地,知道的人也不会太多,但是提起“七二0事件”的“陈、钟、牛、蔡、巴”来,40岁以上的人,就恐怕很少有人不知道了。那个“巴”就是巴方廷。事情已经过去近30年,巴方廷也已不在人世了。作为他的一个部下,作为一个曾经和他在一起战斗过、生活过,解放后又一直没有失去联系的人,对于他在“七二0事件”前前后后的一些往事,总感到有许多话要说。 熟悉巴方廷的人都知道,这个曾经给王明当过多年警卫员的老战士身上,却很少有“左”的东西。就是在极左思潮泛滥的年代也是如此。巴方廷各个时期的政治鉴定里,几乎都有“党内斗争不够尖锐”、“对人批评不够大胆”、“有些温情”、“照顾面子”以及“不爱出头露面”等等评语。一位曾经和巴方廷共事多年的同志说过:老巴这人从不说伤人的话,更不用说整人了。他多年当一把手,每次政治运动都是慎之又慎,生怕伤了同志,以致常常落下“对右的东西姑息迁就”的罪名。他的与人为善、宽厚正直,在与他共过事的同志中,是出了名的。 有一位老同志,1959年对大跃进中的急躁冒进坦言直谏,被打成右倾机会主义分子。后来恢复了军
The name of Pakistani government is the place of Jingchu and there are not many people who know it. However, when Chen, Zhong, Niu, Cai and Ba of “July 20 incident” are mentioned, people over 40 years of age I’m afraid few people do not know. That “Pakistani” is Pakistani Fang Ting. Nearly 30 years have passed since then, and Barfatin has ceased to exist. As one of his subordinates, as a man who once fought, lived and liberated himself with him, he has always felt many words about some of his past events after the “July 20 Incident” Say. People familiar with Barfatin know that there are few “leftist” things in the veterans who used to be Wang Ming’s guards for years. This is also the case in the era of ultra-leftist ideology. In all the political appraisals of Pakistani government during the periods, there were almost no comments such as “the party struggle is not sharp enough,” “people are not bold enough,” “some tender feelings,” “caring for the face,” and “not showing up.” One comrade who had worked with Pakistan for many years said: The people in this bus never talk about hurting people, let alone whole people. He has been a leader for many years. Every political campaign is cautious and afraid of injuring his comrades so that he often falls “guilty of accommodating things to the right”. His goodness with men, generousness, integrity, in the commonplace with his comrades, is notorious. An old comrade, who spoke frankly in his impatience with the Great Leap Forward in 1959, was labeled Right opportunist. Later restored the army