要使更多的人进入网络,享受现代通讯和信息技术带来的好处,上网工具是关键。应该承认,绝大多数上网用户的目的是浏览需要的信息和欣赏相应的节目,换言之,很多上网者并不真的需要计算机这样能够下载数据的高级工具。 传统上,人们只能通过个人计算机来上网。就目前而言,作为计算机王国的美国,家用电脑普及率才只有35%,其中只有大约10%联入了网络。显然,许多人不会仅仅为了上网就去买一套计算机,从这个意义上说,大批用户上网的局面似乎还很遥远。只有新技术的出现才能缩短大众与网络资源的距离,为网络资源的普及带来新的曙光。
Internet access is the key to getting more people online and enjoying the benefits of modern communications and information technology. It should be acknowledged that the vast majority of Internet users aim to browse the information they need and enjoy the program, in other words, many Internet users do not really need advanced tools like computers to download data. Traditionally, people have access to the Internet only through their personal computers. For now, the United States, the computer kingdom, has only 35% of home computers, and only about 10% of them are online. Obviously, many people do not go shopping for a computer just to get online, in the sense that the large number of users who surf the Internet seems far away. Only the advent of new technologies can shorten the distance between the public and the network resources and bring new dawn to the popularization of network resources.