一、前 言 近年来,为了提高公路建设的工程质量与经济效益,现场质量管理和试验工作已逐步受到重视。对高等级公路和干线公路的修建,普遍建立了质量监理制度和较完整的工地试验室,并规定以重型击实标准控制路基、路面的压实,这为提高公路修建质量迈出了一大步。但是,在路用材料的试验方面,还存在着一定的缺陷,如对使用结合料的各类稳定土材料(如石灰土、水泥稳定土…等),都有强度试验和选择配合比的方法,但对不掺结合料的天然砂砾、碎石及各类路基用土,
I. Introduction In recent years, in order to improve the project quality and economic benefits of highway construction, on-site quality management and experimental work have been gradually taken seriously. For the construction of high-grade highways and arterial highways, a quality supervision system and a more complete site laboratory have been established and the compaction of subgrade and pavement under heavy compaction standards has been stipulated. This has taken a big step toward improving the quality of highway construction step. However, in the testing of road materials, there are still some shortcomings, such as the use of binder materials of various types of stable soil material (such as lime soil, cement stabilized soil ...), there are strength test and choose the method of mixing , But not mixed with natural gravel aggregate, gravel and various types of roadbed soil,