茄子黄萎病和茄子枯萎病都是茄子的重要病害,近年来有加重发展的趋势,尤其是保护地栽培,发病迅速且病情严重。1症状识别 茄子黄萎病在茄子定植后不久即可发病。若遇低温定植,发病早且重。但以门茄坐果后发病最多,病情严重。一般病株多从下部叶片发病向上部叶片发展或从
Eggplant Verticillium wilt and Eggplant Fusarium wilt are all important diseases of eggplant. In recent years, there is a tendency to aggravate the development, especially in protected areas, with rapid onset and serious illness. 1 Symptoms Identification Eggplant Verticillium wilt occurs soon after eggplant colonization. In case of low temperature colonization, the incidence of early and heavy. However, after the onset of the incidence of the most effect, the serious condition. Generally diseased plants from the lower leaves of the disease to the upper leaves of the development or from