在小学数学教学中,如何在传授知识的同时培养和发展学生的思维能力,这是一个值得研究的课题。 现以小学数学第九册“圆柱的表面积”一课为例,谈谈我是怎样在课堂教学中开拓学生的思路,培养学生思维能力的。 1.观察:揭示课题后,拿出各种不同的圆柱体让学生观察。提问:它们的上下两个面是什么形状?有什么特点?学生回答:上下两个面都是圆形,而且两个圆同样大。教师再问:“你见到过的物体,还有哪些是圆柱体?”学生答后,教师小结:我们所讲的圆柱是直圆柱,大家刚才说的上、下两个面
In primary mathematics teaching, how to cultivate and develop students' thinking ability while imparting knowledge is a topic worthy of study. Take the elementary mathematics ninth volume “cylindrical surface area” as an example, talk about how I in the classroom teaching to develop students 'ideas and train students' thinking ability. 1. Observation: Reveal the subject, come up with a variety of different cylinders for students to observe. Question: What are their top and bottom two shape? What are the characteristics? Student's answer: The upper and lower surfaces are round, and the two circles are equally large. Teacher asked: “Have you seen the object, what are the cylinder?” Student answer, the teacher Summary: We are talking about the cylinder is a straight cylinder, we just said the upper and lower sides