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新华社老记者高向明今年已经92岁高龄了,像所有这个年龄的老人一样,平日里走在路上,她佝偻着脊背,步履非常缓慢,似乎每走一步都要用尽所有的气力。但是,在北京的一个不起眼的小区里,当走进她的家,会立马眼前一亮。你会看见客厅的一面墙上布满了她各个年龄阶段的照片。作为一名一直工作在新闻岗位的新华社老记者,她知性的美丽、犀利的目光、飒爽的英姿都跃然照片之上。老人命运多舛,但是她毕生热爱的新闻事业、真实而有力的数次新闻报道让她心中欣 Gao Xiangming, an old reporter from Xinhua News Agency, is already 92 years old this year. Like all people of this age, she walked on the road on weekdays. She walked very slowly and seemed to exert every effort at every step. However, in an inconspicuous neighborhood in Beijing, when it came to her home, it immediately came to light. You will see a wall of living room full of photos of all ages. As an old reporter of Xinhua News Agency who has been working in news posts for a long time, her intellectual beauty, her sharp eyes and her heroic heroics have vividly taken pictures. The elderly fate, but her lifelong love of journalism, real and powerful several news reports let her heart Yan
120年前的中日甲午海战,清政府的惨败还历历在目。然而那时却有一个文弱书生,提出了一个奇袭日本本土,以支援北洋水师的惊天构想,且付诸了实施,最终因清政府的腐败无能而流产,令人惋惜,否则甲午战争也许会是另一种结局。  这个书生就是被誉为四川历史上“睁眼看世界”第一人的宋育仁(1858-1931),他是四川富顺人,1886年中进士,授翰林院庶吉士。  1894年,宋育仁随大清公使龚照瑗出使欧洲,任中国