本文分析了PGI_2和6-氧-PGF_1α对人输卵管壶腹-峡部接合部不同肌层的效应。从10名正常行经的非妊娠妇女在做绝育手术或子宫切除术时,摘取输卵管,在立体显微镜下顺肌纤维方向从输卵管壶腹-峡部接合部的外纵内环肌层切取小肌条(长4毫米,横切面1.5毫米~2) 将肌条悬于充满50毫升克氏重碳酸钠缓冲液(pH7.34)的器官浴槽内,在37℃下用96%O_2和4%CO_2的混合气体连续通气。将纯PGI_2(钠盐)6-氧-PGF_1α(游离酸),PGE_2(游离酸)和PGF_2α(Tromethamine盐)溶解在小量的99%的乙醇中,每次实验前再直接用缓冲液稀释。加入器官浴槽内乙醇的最高浓度为
This article analyzes the effect of PGI_2 and 6-oxo-PGF_1α on different muscular layers of the human fallopian intima-to-isthmus junction. From 10 normal non-pregnant women undergoing sterilization or hysterectomy, the oviducts were removed and the small strips were cut from the outer longitudinal medial muscularis of the tubal amputation-isthmus junction under the stereoscopic microscope along the muscle fiber Length 4 mm, cross-section 1.5 mm ~ 2) The muscle strips are suspended in an organ bath filled with 50 ml of Krebs bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.34), mixed with 96% O 2 and 4% CO 2 at 37 ° C Continuous gas ventilation. Pure PGI 2 (sodium salt) 6-oxo-PGF 1α (free acid), PGE 2 (free acid) and PGF 2α (Tromethamine salt) were dissolved in a small amount of 99% ethanol and diluted directly with the buffer before each experiment. Join the highest concentration of alcohol in the organ bath