目的分析2011—2014年三明市疑似预防接种异常反应(adverse eventsfollowing immunization,AEFI)的发生及监测情况,评价AEFI监测系统运转情况。方法采用描述流行病学方法对2011—2014年三明市报告的疑似预防接种异常反应资料进行分析。结果 2011—2014年三明市共报告AEFI 588例,报告发生率14.6/10万;全年均有AEFI报告,无明显季节性;以1岁以下人群为主,占67.8%;绝大部分发生在24 h内,占90.68%;百白破类疫苗报告例数最多,占39.1%;一般反应为主,占85.7%;症状较轻,以发热、红肿、硬结最常见,占79.9%。结论三明市预防接种安全可靠,AEFI监测系统完整性、敏感性逐步提高。
Objective To analyze the occurrence and monitoring of suspected AEFI in Sanming City from 2011 to 2014 and evaluate the operation of AEFI monitoring system. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the data of suspected immunization reported in Sanming City during 2011-2014. Results A total of 588 AEFI cases were reported in Sanming from 2011 to 2014, with a reported incidence of 14.6 / 100 000. AEFI was reported throughout the year with no obvious seasonal changes. Most of the AEFI patients were under the age of 1, accounting for 67.8%; most of them occurred in 90.68% within 24 h; the number of reported cases of Baibai breaking vaccine was the highest, accounting for 39.1%; the general reaction was mainly taking up 85.7%; the symptoms were mild with the most common being fever, redness and induration, accounting for 79.9%. Conclusion Sanming vaccination is safe and reliable, and the integrity and sensitivity of AEFI monitoring system are gradually increased.