江西省抚州棉纺织厂是一个年产值过亿元、税利超千万的地区最大的国有企业。多年来,不管企业遇到什么困难,市场上出现什么风云,抚纺的6000名职工始终同舟共济,激流勇进。这样的凝聚力从何而来?经过调查了解到,他们主要是领导心中有个大写的人——依靠工人群众,请工人当家作主。 作重大决策请教工人 在抚纺,每一项生产和改革的重大决策,无一不是全厂职工集体意志和智慧的结晶。厂里各项大事都经职代会审议通过。近两年,由于市场疲软,抚纺
Fuzhou Cotton Textile Factory in Jiangxi Province is one of the largest state-owned enterprises in the region with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan and over 10 million tax profits and profits. Over the years, no matter what the difficulties encountered by enterprises, the market what happened, care spinning 6,000 workers have been together in the same boat, raging courage. Where did such a cohesion come from? After investigation, they learned that they are mainly leaders who have a capital letter - they rely on the working masses and ask workers to be the masters of their own affairs. Make major decisions Consult workers in spinning, and every major decision-making in production and reform, are all the crystallization of the collective will and wisdom of the entire factory workers. The major events in the factory were approved by the workers’ congress. The past two years, due to the weak market, Fusun