八十年代刚刚揭开帷幕,从中亚细亚高原传来了激烈的枪炮声。苏联大兵在那里杀人放火;阿富汗人民在血泊中英勇反抗……。每天清晨,当我拧开收音机,头一件挂在心头的事便是:阿富汗现在怎样了?阿富汗人民给了入侵者什么新的惩罚? 是呵,此时此际我怎么能不加倍挂念阿富汗呢?几年以前,我曾经访问过这个国家。我曾在喀布尔街头漫步,在红花山上盘桓,在兴都库什山脉的丛山叠嶂间流连。我的足迹也曾留在那些如今燃烧着熊熊战火的地方;贾拉拉巴德、巴米安、昆都
The curtain of the eighties has just begun, and intense gunshots have been heard from the Central Asian Plateau. Soviet soldiers killed and set fire there; the Afghan people bravely rebel in a pool of blood .... Every morning, when I unscrew the radio, the first thing that hangs over my mind is: What is happening now in Afghanistan? What new punishments have the Afghan people given intruders? Yes, at this moment how can I not miss Afghanistan A few years ago, I had visited this country. I used to walk on the streets of Kabul, linger in the mountains of Safflower, and wander among the mountains in the Hindu Kush Mountains. My footsteps have also been left in places where today is burning flames; Jalalabad, Bamyan, Quinta