自1907年Richter第一次报告子宫内避孕法以来,大批的宫内节育器被设计出来,并加以试用。其后20年内他和德国医生使用干蚕肠线为宫内节育器。1925年Pust应用蚕肠线做成的环,连接在宫颈口外的玻璃扣上,应用中盆腔炎的发生率很高。Ernst Grafenberg设计蚕肠线圈,银丝和金属丝环完全放置在宫腔内,遭到多数人强烈谴责的理由之一是引起严重的盆腔炎症。 1959年 Oppenheimer报告了329名妇女为避孕宫内放置蚕肠线环,取得低的妊娠率,而无并发症。Ishihama报告18,594名妇女中使用Ota环获
Since Richter first reported the IUD in 1907, a large number of IUDs have been designed and tested. In the next 20 years, he and German doctors used dry silk intestine as an IUD. In 1925 Pust ring made of silkworm paste, connected to the glass outside the mouth of the cervix, the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease is very high. Ernst Grafenberg One of the reasons why silkworm coils, silver wires, and wire rings are completely placed in the uterine cavity, which has been strongly condemned by the majority, is causing serious pelvic inflammatory disease. In 1959 Oppenheimer reported 329 women placing silkworm gut loops in the contraception intrauterine and achieved low rates of pregnancy without complications. Ishihama reported the use of Ota rings among 18,594 women