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素有“岱南奇观”之誉的峄山,又名东山、邹山,位于邹城市城东南20余华里处。山中“怪石万叠,络绎如丝,故名绎焉”。古时绎与峄同,后写作峄山。在古代,峄山曾以产桐树而闻名于世,《书经》中即有“峄阳孤桐”的记载,《太平御览》中也说“峄山尤多桐树”。据说用此处所产的桐木做琴,声韵特别清亮,弹奏起来,如 Known as “Dainan wonders ” reputation of the Dangshan, also known as Dongshan, Zou, Zoucheng city is located in the southeast of more than 20 in the Department. Mountain “” Strange rock stacks, an endless stream, hence the name of Yan. “ Ancient interpretation of the same with the same post-written 峄 Hill. In ancient times, Yanshan was famous for its production of Tung trees. In The Book of Songs, there is a record of ”Suiyang Gu Tong“, ”Taiping Yu Jiao“ also says ” ". It is said that with the production of Paulownia here piano, sound particularly clear, playing together, such as