一、腐败已成为当今中国之头号问题 日前由中国社会科学院“社会形势分析与预测”课题组与新华社《半月谈》共同组织实施的的对50位不同学科领域的专家进行的问卷抽查显示:腐败成为专家眼中最为严重的社会问题,认定这一问题为当今中国第一位问题的专家比例达到 42%,远
I. Corruption Has Become the Number One Issue in China Recently, a questionnaire survey of 50 experts from different disciplines was conducted jointly by the research group of “Social Situation Analysis and Prediction” of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the “Half Moon Talk” of Xinhua News Agency. Corruption has become the most serious social problem in the eyes of experts. It has determined that this issue constitutes 42% of the experts in China’s first issue today.