【目的】对额尔齐斯河(中国段)银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)寄生虫种类及感染情况进行调查研究。【方法】采用鱼类寄生虫学调查方法。【结果】共剖检银鲫175尾,发现寄生虫9种,分别为坏鳃指环虫(Dactylogyrus vastator)、旋形指环虫(Dactylogyrus falciformis)、伸展指环虫(Dactylogyrus extensus)、复口吸虫幼虫(Diplostomum larva sp)、复殖吸虫幼虫(Trematoda larva sp)、绦虫幼虫(Cestode larva sp)、对盲囊线虫幼虫(Contracaecum Railliet larva sp)、泡吻棘头虫(Pomphorhynchus laevis sp)、短指三指鳋(Paraergasilusbrividigitus),隶属于4门、6纲、7目、7科、7属。【结论】根据S~2/X的判别原则,9种寄生虫在银鲫种群中的分布均为聚集分布;复口吸虫、泡吻棘头虫、对盲囊线虫的感染率大于10%,为该区系的核心种;复口吸虫为优势种。
【Objective】 The objective of this study was to investigate the species and infection of parasites in Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch in the Irtysh River China. 【Method】 The survey method of fish parasitology was used. 【Result】 A total of 175 crucian carps were detected and 9 parasites were found, which were Dactylogyrus vastator, Dactylogyrus falciformis, Dactylogyrus extensus, Diplostomum larva sp, Trematoda larva sp, Cestode larva sp, Contracaecum Railliet larva sp, Pomphorhynchus laevis sp, Paraergasilusbrividigitus, belonging to 4, 6 classes, 7 orders, 7 families, 7 genera. 【Conclusion】 According to the discriminant principle of S ~ 2 / X, the distribution of 9 parasites in the silver carp population was aggregated. The infection rate of the larvae of Cryptosporidium smithsoni to Nematode larvae was more than 10% As the core species of the fauna; Repaci for the dominant species.