翻开人类历史,人们不难发现:有的时候,群星灿烂,人才辈出,有的时候却“世无英雄”,疏星寥落,呈现人才出现的波峰与波谷。在我国历史的长河中,三国时代堪称是一次人才辈出的波峰。 东汉末,天下大乱,在黄巾农民大起义的同时,封建军阀,反动豪强也乘势蜂起,一股
Turning over the history of mankind, it is not difficult for people to discover: sometimes, the stars are splendid and talented people are forthcoming. Sometimes there are “heroes without heroes,” and the stars are degenerated to show the crests and troughs of talent. In the long river of our country’s history, the Three Kingdoms era is a wave of talented people. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a chaos in the world. At the same time as the Yellow Turban peasant uprising, the feudal warlords and reactionary heroes also took advantage of the momentum.