大连市有100多家墙材生产企业,材料认定和备案以前要到两个部门办两遍手续。日前,大连市城乡建设委员会决定将大连市新型墙体(保温)材料认定和备案工作合二为一,简化办事程序,提高了工作效率。 大连市新型墙体(保温)材料认定工作由大连市墙改办负责,主要面对对象是新型
Dalian has more than 100 wall materials manufacturing enterprises, material identification and filing before going to two departments to do it twice. Recently, Dalian Urban and Rural Construction Committee decided to Dalian new wall (insulation) material identification and filing work combined to simplify procedures and improve work efficiency. Dalian City, the new wall (insulation) material identified by the city wall to do in Dalian City, the main target is a new type