劃時代的中蘇友好同盟互助條约,和中蘇关於中國長春鐵路、旅順口與大連的協定、中蘇关於貸款給中華人民共和国的協定,在一九五零年二月十四日簽訂於莫斯科。這一個重大行動震動了全世界!它使中蘇兩国人民和全世界覺悟的勞動人民及一切忠诚於正义的世界和平事業的人类歡欣鼓舞!它使一切帝国主義的侵略兇手和战争贩子们啼泣、颤抖! 以美帝国主义為首的世界帝国主義集团,在其走狗蔣介石匪幫的統治被中国人民根本推翻之後,極力以離间中蘇关係作為它對中國问
The epoch-making treaty of friendship and mutual assistance between China and the Soviet Union, and the agreement between China and the Soviet Union on the Changchun Railway of China, Lushunkou and Dalian, the agreement between China and the Soviet Union on the loan to the People’s Republic of China, signed on February 14, 1950 in Moscow . This major operation has shaken the entire world! It rejoice at the enlightenment of the working people both in China and the Soviet Union and all the people in the world who are loyal to the cause of peace in a just world! It makes all the imperialist aggressors and war dealers cry Trembling! After being ruled by the Chinese people, the world imperialist group led by the U.S. imperialists tried their best to use the Sino-Soviet relations as its answer to China