
来源 :考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikuL
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一、九年高考成语试题回顾对成语的运用单独命题进行考查始于1992年,到2000年连续九年依次考查了下列成语:巧夺天工、耳濡目染、灯红酒绿、凤毛麟角(1992年),苦心孤诣、差强人意、不刊之论、忍俊不禁(1993年),别具一格、不落窠臼、匠心独运、独树一帜(1994年),无所不为、半斤八两、首当其冲、想入非非(1995年),应接不暇、琳琅满目、目不暇接、美不胜收(1996年),莘莘学子、不孚众望、趋之若鹜、万人空巷(1997年),望其项背、处心积虑、火中取栗、拭目以待(1998年),殚精竭虑、美仑美 The review of the idiom test questions of the ninth and nine-year college entrance examinations began on the use of individual propositions in idiom examinations in 1992. The following idioms were examined in succession in 2000 for nine consecutive years: astoundingly talented, deaf, feasting, and rare (1992), painstaking, unsatisfactory, not The publication was very repugnant (1993). It was unique, unobsessed, ingenious, and unique (1994). It was all-embracing, half-baked, and bears no doubt (1995). It was overwhelming, dazzling, dizzying, and overwhelming (1996). With students, unfaithful people, eager for popularity, people all over the country (1997), hopes to look back, take care of themselves, take fire in the fire, wait and see (1998), and make every effort
Based on an improved three-dimensional wheel-rail contact trace algorithm and a new model of wheel-rail contact force,wheel-rail derailment dynamical model is e
随着我国国际地位的提高和综合国力的上升 ,对外语人才的数量和质量需求不断提高。毋须讳言 ,我国目前的外语教学模式培养出的学生大多不能适应这种需求 ,“哑巴外语”和“聋
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切线的判定方法有三种:(1)和圆只有一个公共点的直线是圆的切线;(2)和圆心的距离等于半径的直线是圆的切线;(3)过半径的外端且和半径垂直的直线是圆的切线。 There are thr
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