以SiCl4 H2 为气源 ,用等离子体化学气相沉积技术 ,在衬底温度仅为 2 0 0℃时能获得多晶硅薄膜。最大晶粒达 1.5 μm ,结晶度在 90 %以上。薄膜中不含Cl、H、C、N、O等杂质 ,暗电导率高达 10 -4Ω-1·cm-1,光照稳定性好。对氯元素在低温成膜中的作用进行初步讨论。
Using SiCl 4 H 2 as the gas source and using the plasma chemical vapor deposition technique, a polycrystalline silicon thin film can be obtained at a substrate temperature of only 200 ° C. The maximum grain size is 1.5 μm and the crystallinity is above 90%. Film does not contain Cl, H, C, N, O and other impurities, dark conductivity as high as 10 -4Ω-1 · cm-1, good light stability. The role of chlorine in filming at low temperature is discussed preliminarily.