随着国内电子商务网站如雨后春笋般的冒出,尤其是一些实力雄厚的综合性“门户”网站改弦易帜积极投入到电子商务的洪流中,电子商务(Electronic Com-merce)一夜之间即成为国内最流行的用语。然而,翻开商务网站的帐簿不难发现,虽然网站销售额在以惊人的速度增长,但与实际的投入相比则相差甚远。 面对国内电子商务“一半是火焰一半是海水”的尴尬局面,不少业内分析家认为,在信誉度、在线支付、电子货币、配送体系、购物观念、网民规模等开展电子商务的软、硬件设施没有建立的前提下,国内开展电子商务无异于在沙滩上建立城堡。 当前国内电子商务之所以被广大投资者认为是巨大的泡沫,其根源并不在于
With the pop-up of domestic e-commerce websites, especially some powerful integrated “portal” websites, which are actively involved in the torrent of e-commerce, e-commerce (Electronic Com-merce) becomes overnight The most popular terms in the country. However, turning up the books of business websites is not difficult to find, although the website sales at an alarming rate, but compared with the actual input is far cry from. The face of domestic e-commerce “half is half the flame is the sea,” the embarrassing situation, many industry analysts believe that in credibility, online payment, electronic money, distribution systems, shopping concepts, Internet users and other e-commerce scale of software and hardware Without the establishment of facilities under the premise of domestic e-commerce is tantamount to building a castle on the beach. The reason why the current domestic e-commerce by the majority of investors that is a huge bubble, the root cause is not that