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川剧是流行于川、滇、黔及湘、鄂地区的地方戏,我国四大剧种之一。川剧脸谱有别于京剧脸谱,更加象形化、寓意化,这使得它愈加显得古拙诡谲。川剧脸谱流传至今的已不多,加之川剧的不景气,古典剧目演出的极少,所存的愈加稀少。可喜的是,农工党党员龚思全先生在近三十年的川剧美工工作中,潜心收集川剧脸谱,使众多失传的脸谱得以恢复保留下来,为中国的戏曲事业做出了贡献。现发表他收集整理绘制的几幅脸谱,以飨读者。 Sichuan Opera is popular in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Hunan, Hubei area local opera, one of the four major operas in China. Sichuan opera mask is different from the Beijing Opera mask, more pictorial, moral, which makes it more and more seem ancient clumsy. Sichuan Opera has so far been handed down Facebook, combined with the downturn in Sichuan Opera, the classical repertoire performances rarely exist, save the more scarce. What is gratifying is that during his nearly 30 years of Sichuan opera art work, Mr. Gong Szeto, a member of the Peasant Labor Party, devoted himself to collecting facial masks from Sichuan Opera so that many of his lost Facebook faces could be restored and preserved, contributing to the cause of Chinese opera. Now published a collection of his face to draw the number of Facebook to readers.