In 1973, Prince Cambodian King Prince Sihanouk came to visit Luoyang. Cambodia is a Buddhist country. Prince Sihanouk himself is also a Buddhist believer. Luoyang naturally went to the White Horse Temple (after Prince Sihanouk did not come ) ①. Zhao Puchu proposed to Premier Zhou that a group of Buddhist relics and buddhist artifacts such as Buddhism and Buddhist artifacts were transferred from the Forbidden City to the White Horse Temple. Premier Zhou approved the agreement immediately. In the same year, Vice Minister Han Nianlong led various embassies to visit Henan Province and saw the status quo of the White Horse Temple at that time. The impact on the world was very poor. Under such circumstances, Henan Provincial Party Committee proposed and submitted to Premier Zhou for approval and conducted a general renovation of Baima Temple in 1972. ② With the approval of the State Council, starting from March 1973 and ending in May, the Luoyang side lasted for 3 months and used more than 30 vehicles to transport more than 2,300 relics.