《龙旋风》6月19日席卷浙江,《卧虎藏龙》7月18日全国亮相。今年暑期电影市场佳作频频,好戏连台,预计全国将呈现一派火爆场面。在中影公司引进《U571》、《恐龙》、《角斗士》三部暑期“美国大片”的同时,中国电影合作制片公司代理发行的两部“合拍大片”——《龙旋风》(又译《上海正午》)和《卧虎藏龙》也将于本月底闪亮登场。这两部备受瞩目的“武侠巨制”必将为催热暑期电影市场添柴加火,有望扭转自去年以来一直低靡不振的票房。届时中外佳片大打擂台,广大观众也将大饱眼福。 由中国电影合作制片公司与美国博伟国际电影公司联合摄制的武侠功夫片《龙
“Dragon Tornado” swept Zhejiang on June 19, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” was unveiled nationwide on July 18. This year’s summer film market masterpiece frequently, good play even Taiwan, the country is expected to show a fiery scene. At the same time that China Film introduced the summer “American blockbusters” of the summer of “U571,” “Dinosaurs,” and “Gladiators,” two “co-productions” - “Dragon Whirlwind” (also translated by Chinese movie co-production company) “Shanghai noon”) and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” will also debut this month. The two high-profile “martial arts giant” is bound to heat the summer movie market add fuel, is expected to reverse since last year has been sluggish at the box office. At that time, Chinese and foreign films will hit the arena and the general audience will also be feast for the eyes. Chinese martial arts co-production company and the United States Beiwei International Film Company jointly produced martial arts film "Dragon