再见,1998! 深深地陷在股市泥潭中的3700万中国股民带着两腿泥泞、一身痛,满心酸楚,两眶热泪,告别不堪回首1998,迎接充满期盼与恳求的1999。 中国股市早已与中国经济毫不相干,它完全不反映中国的经济与政治状况,它早已小再是中国经济的晴雨表,甚至与走势强劲的中国经济背道而驰。它只是中国国有企业的天天开门的一只募捐箱。不清楚这一点,你就根本读不懂中国股市。
Goodbye, 1998! The 37 million Chinese investors deeply trapped in the stock market with muddy legs, aching, full of sadness, tears in their eyes, farewell painful 1998, to meet the full of hope and plea of 1999. China’s stock market has long been irrelevant to the Chinese economy. It totally does not reflect China’s economic and political conditions. It has long been a barometer of China’s economy and even runs counter to the soaring Chinese economy. It is just a donation box open to Chinese state-owned enterprises every day. Do not know this, you simply do not understand the Chinese stock market.