领会全国铁路工作会议精神 做好铁道技术监督工作

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2010年1月7—9日,全国铁路工作会议在北京胜利召开。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江亲临大会,并作重要讲话。他强调,铁路系统要深入贯彻落实科学发展观,认真贯彻落实党的十七大和十七届三中、四中全会精神及中央经济工作会议精神,围绕建设“优质、平安、绿色、和谐”铁路目标,以强化质量和安全为重点,坚持科学发展,加快建设步伐,推进自主创新,深化改革开放,加强队伍建设,为我国经济社会发展提供强有力的运输保障。铁道部党组书记、部长刘志军在全体会议上作了《深入贯彻落实科学发展观加快推进铁路现代化建设为经济社会又好又快发展作出更大贡献》的工作报告和《努力建设高素质职工队伍为实现我国铁路现代化提供可靠保证》的专题报告。抓住机遇,改革创新,加快发展,是这次会议的核心内容。为贯彻落实全国铁路工作会议提出的各项要求,本刊编辑部特摘编刘志军部长在大会上所做工作报告和专题报告的部分内容,供全体铁道标准化、计量、认证、产品质量监督检验工作者学习,领会全国铁路工作会议精神,开创铁道技术监督工作新局面。 January 7-9, 2010, the national railway working conference was held in Beijing. Zhang Dejiang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, came to the General Assembly and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that the railway system should thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 17th CPC Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Chinese People’s Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference and focus on building a “high quality, safe, green and harmonious ”The goal of the railway is to focus on strengthening quality and safety. We must adhere to scientific development, accelerate the pace of construction, promote independent innovation, deepen the reform and opening up, strengthen the contingent building and provide a strong transport guarantee for the economic and social development in our country.“ At the plenary meeting, Liu Zhijun, party secretary and minister of the Ministry of Railways, made a work report on ”thoroughly implementing the scientific concept of development, accelerating the railway modernization and making greater contributions to sound and rapid economic and social development“ and ”making efforts to build a high-quality workforce for Realize the modernization of China’s railway to provide a reliable guarantee "special report. Seizing the opportunity, reforming and innovating and accelerating development are the core contents of this conference. In order to implement the requirements put forward by the National Railway Work Conference, part of the work report and special report made by Minister Liu Zhijun, the editor of the editorial department of this magazine, is for the general railway standardization, measurement, certification and product quality supervision and inspection Learn and understand the spirit of the National Railway Work Conference and create a new situation in railway technology supervision.
我爸睡眼惺忪地起身,松开搁在我肩膀上的手,要我等他,有点迟缓地走向诊症室。我看着他的背影,不知道为什么,就跟过去了,第一次,强烈地感觉,不想他从我身边走远。 My dad dro
那年,我硕士研究生快毕业了,工作还没有着落,不知何去何从,于是去征求已经是博士生导师的小叔的意见。  意外的是,小叔没有直接回答我的问题,却说起了他们三兄弟的陈年往事。听完小叔的一番话,我才明白了父亲三兄弟过去的经历。  我父亲是三兄弟中的老大,自幼聪敏过人,在上个世纪70年代当兵比读书吃香,屡居班上第一名的父亲,就毅然投笔从戎,而且很快成了许世友将军的贴身保卫。孰料几年之后,全国掀起了裁兵的高潮
家里到底养过多少狗,已经记不起来了。  回忆的巷道里,那些曾经的狗,就像大地上的庄稼,一茬茬长出来,又一茬茬倒下去;又像一群群的过客,从虚空中来,向虚空中去。能够残留下记忆碎片的,仔细想来,也就那么几个。  最早的那条狗,是我幼年的伙伴。那时的我,生活在偏远的乡村,热衷一切乡间孩子热衷的游戏,聚众野跑,带队掐架,还有,养一条狗。  那时正流行一部李连杰主演的电影——《少林寺》,上面有条颇通人性的狗
二、结果 与对照组相比,L组、NL组和TL组大鼠血浆BUN、Cr开始显著升高时间分别为注射LPS后1小时、5小时、1小时,肾组织匀浆中MDA开始显著升高时间分别为3小时、5小时、5小时