患者女性,45岁。因“颈前部无痛性肿物20年,语言含糊不清5年”,于1996年4月26日入院。检查:一般情况好,心肺肝肾无异常。颈前正中舌骨水平有2.0×1.5×2.0cm 大小肿物,质中等,边界清,无压痛,与皮肤无粘连,肿物随吞咽动作上下运动。间接喉镜下见会厌舌面有一大小约2.0×3.0×2.5cm 的肿物,呈半球形,充满整个会厌谷,表面光滑,边缘清晰,会厌缘变钝,会厌上举不良,声带不能窥及。临床诊断:会
Patient female, 45 years old. Because of “anterior neck painless tumor for 20 years, vague language 5 years”, on April 26, 1996 admission. Check: the general situation is good, no abnormal heart, liver and kidney. There are 2.0 × 1.5 × 2.0cm mass in middle anterior cervical hyoid bone, medium quality, clear boundary, no tenderness and no adhesion with the skin. The mass moves up and down with swallowing motion. Indirect laryngoscopy see the epiglottis tongue surface has a size of about 2.0 × 3.0 × 2.5cm of the tumor, was hemispherical, full of epiglottic Valley, the surface smooth, clear edges, will be obtuse margin blunt, epiglottis on bad, vocal cords can not peep . Clinical diagnosis: Yes