In the machining process documentation, the construction process card is required for each product. It provides technical basis for planning and scheduling, pricing, process tooling design, labor wages, etc. This card is also the process document that the craftsman spends the most time and energy. One of them, but most of the factories in China are still using the methods of the 1950s, which are both slow and non-standard, so that the process file management is at a relatively low level for a long time. Therefore, after long-term research and comparison, we propose to use the network diagram principle. Compilation. This method is relatively simple, easy to grasp, suitable for single-piece small batch or batch production, making the construction process card easy to achieve standardization and standardization, on this basis may be prepared computer software, networking and paperless management, The preparation and management of process documents has been stepped up to a new level. The preparation method is briefly described as follows: