
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bruce_8_8_8
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综合考虑安全性、经济性、景观性因素,提出了一种高防护等级组合式护栏结构。采用LS-DYNA显式有限元程序进行求解,对护栏结构进行了结构优化,并运用计算机仿真方法对护栏结构进行安全性能分析。计算机仿真分析结果表明:经设计优化的HB级组合式护栏,各项评价指标均满足评价标准要求,防护等级达到HB级(640k J)。该护栏经实车足尺碰撞试验验证后,可用于危险路段的路侧安全防护,提高安全防护水平。 Considering the factors of safety, economy and landscape, a kind of combined guardrail structure with high degree of protection is proposed. The LS-DYNA explicit finite element program was used to solve the structural optimization of the guardrail, and the safety performance of the guardrail was analyzed by computer simulation. The results of computer simulation show that the designed and optimized HB-type guardrails meet the evaluation criteria and the protection level reaches HB level (640k J). After full-scale collision test, the guardrail can be used for roadside safety protection of dangerous sections and improve the safety protection level.
自己一个人的时候,我会时常站在窗前发呆,或是整理许久未翻的抽屉。偶然间看到一些过往在意过的小物件,脑海里便荡起回忆的波纹。  那年六月,大学即将毕业,我在寝室收拾需要快递回家的衣物。黄昏风起,向阳的墙面金光闪闪,夹杂着楼外大树的葱葱树影,像作别的手在摇摆。  衣柜里突然掉出一本开本略小的书,红色封面,写着书名《爱你就像爱生命》,王小波与李银河的作品,中信出版社版本。  我拾起来,往上面吹了几口气,