Q 人说体毛多的男人性能力强,可我几乎没有汗毛,喉结也不是很明显,这是不是说明我的性能力弱?A 男性的喉结、体毛,女性的乳房、脂肪分布等都被称为第二性征,这是指两性除生殖器以外的差异。它们是男女生理差异的表现,但不能和性能力划等号。第二性征主要是由于男女性腺(男性为睾丸、女性为卵巢)所分泌的性激素差异造成的。睾
Q people say that many men with body hair strong sexual performance, but I almost no hair, Adam’s apple is not obvious, this is not to show that my sexual ability is weak? A man’s Adam’s apple, body hair, female breast, fat distribution, etc. are said For the secondary sexual characteristics, this refers to gender and genital differences. They are manifestations of the physical differences between men and women, but can not be equated with sexual abilities. The second characteristic is mainly due to male and female gonads (male testicular, female ovarian) secretion of sex hormones caused by differences. Testis