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林业推广学是近年来中等林校新开设的一门课,由于这门课的基础理论属社会科学范畴,直观性差,学生比较陌生,从而影响了学习效果。为此,笔者对如何讲好这门课程进行了尝试,收到了较好的效果。一、抓好开头,讲好绪论绪论是一门课的开场白,我高度重视讲好绪论,开好头。在课时安排上将一课时改为两课时;在内容上,搜集和筛选足够的有说服力的事例和数据,把绪论课分为三个重点。一是从理论上,深刻阐述邓小平关于“科学技术是第一生产力”的伟大论断和科学技术进步是经济发展的决定性因素的道理。二是突出讲解江泽民总书记在党的十五大提出的“强化应用技术的开发和推广,促进科技成果向现实生产力转化”的要求,并从国内外林业科技成果转化的事例入手,向学生介绍林业科技推广在林业产业发展中的重要作用。着重讲 Forestry promotion science is a newly opened middle school in recent years. As the basic theory of this course belongs to the category of social science, it has poor visualization and unfamiliar students, thus affecting the learning effect. To this end, the author of how to say good about this course has been tried, received good results. First, do a good job at the beginning, speak good Introduction The introduction is a lesson of the opening, I attach great importance to make a good introduction, a good start. When class time is changed from one class to two class hours, we collect and screen enough persuasive examples and data in content to divide the introduction into three focuses. First, in theory, it elaborates on Deng Xiaoping’s great theory that science and technology are primary productive forces and that scientific and technological progress is the decisive factor in economic development. The second is to highlight the request made by General Secretary Jiang Zemin at the 15th National Congress of the CPC to “strengthen the development and popularization of applied technologies and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into realistic productive forces.” From the examples of domestic and foreign achievements in the transformation of forestry science and technology, Students introduce the important role of forestry science and technology promotion in the development of forestry industry. Focus on
羊达曼公社14大队4小队护林员尼牙孜阿吉同志,现已60岁。1969年开始干护林工作,14年来,他管护的林带总长4200米,12600株树,棵棵树生长旺盛,材积生长量大。 14 team of sheep