不谈软件技术 聊聊剪辑心得

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刚步入剪辑行业加班熬夜是常有的事,很多人的后期生涯把大量时间牺牲在了超负荷的熬夜中。在我的世界里,剪辑就是一种兴奋剂,当做出成片被自己,被客户或导演认可时,那种喜悦难以言表。做后期多年,一步步摸索走过很多弯路,这篇文章只希望能将一些简单的经验技巧和剪辑爱好者聊聊,让他们少走弯路,把精力用在更深一层的摸索中去。 Just entered the editing industry to work overtime late at night is a common occurrence, many people later sacrificed a lot of time in the overload of staying up late. In my world, a clip is a stimulant, and the joy can not be explained when it is made into pieces that are approved by the client or the director. To do later for many years, step by step to explore through many detours, this article only hopes to be able to some simple experience and editing lovers chat, let them take detours, the energy used in a deeper exploration.