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当前,弘扬民族文化、传统文化已经成为中国社会的共识,在世界城市化高速发展的背后,在巨大的城市变迁中,传统文化的自觉变成一种积极推动动画发展的力量。近年来,江苏动画呈现出在动画情节日常语境中融入民族记忆、童年记忆、人与自然共存的秩序想象以及民族文化认同等寓言叙事特质,值得引起国产动画的本体反思和重新认同。 At present, promoting national culture and traditional culture have become the consensus of Chinese society. Behind the rapid development of world urbanization and the huge urban changes, the awareness of traditional culture has become a force that actively promotes the development of animation. In recent years, Jiangsu animation has shown that it incorporates national memory, childhood memory, order imagination coexisting with nature and allegorical narrative characteristics such as national cultural identity in the daily context of animated episodes, which deserves the introspection and re-recognition of domestic animation.
第 1期 (总第 36期 )地质灾害防治领域重大科技问题讨论吴树仁 周平根 雷伟志等 ( 1 )………………………地质灾害风险评价的理论与方法马寅生 张业成 张春山等 ( 7)……
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