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传统的中学德育在理念设计和运行实施中,教育模式较为单一,在教育方式上强调外在理论灌输,忽视内在情感激发和培养,使中学德育教育面临困境。以美育德,通过现实生活和艺术中的美来打动学生,使他们在心灵深处受到感染或感化,从而培养他们具有正确的审美观念和鉴赏美、创造美的能力,彻底改变传统的德育方式,将德育和美育结合起来。 The traditional middle school moral education in the concept design and implementation of the operation, the education model is relatively simple, emphasis on external education in the theory of inculcation, ignoring the emotional stimulation and training inherent in moral education in high school difficulties. By virtue of beauty education, students are impressed by the beauty of real life and art so that they can be infected or influenced in the depths of their hearts, so as to cultivate their ability to have the correct aesthetic concepts, appreciate beauty and create beauty, and completely change the traditional moral education. Put moral education and aesthetic education together.
目的:探讨酸枣仁热浸法戒断治疗因服用西药镇静催眠药所致的依赖性成瘾的治疗效果.方法:用保温水瓶,热水(95℃)浸泡酸枣仁4~5 h,代水频服.结果:治疗42例因失眠服用西药出现依