In this paper, a computer-based approach to influence functions is used to study in depth the subsidence and deformation of the surface of the South Utah Fuel Company (SUF_) coal mine. In addition to considering the influence of the “compensation zone” caused by insufficient caving due to the overlying strata near the mining boundary of the plate area and the original old mining area, the time factor was mainly considered; when the panel was mined, the subsidence of the surface And the evolution of deformation as it progresses, all calculations and plots are computerized; one main program is used for calculations and drawings, and others are used for parameter selection. The calculated results of the theoretical curve, the example curve and the corresponding numerical results prove that both of them coincide with each recovery period. Because this method can select parameters flexibly according to the measured results, deal with the influence of complex mining area and consider the time factor, it can effectively solve various engineering problems related to surface movement and deformation effectively. The formulas and conclusions derived in this paper As well as the design process, are generally applicable to similar coal mines.