
来源 :实用预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swangel
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目的用改良分子信标-荧光PCR检测法和传统方法对引起食源性疾病(食物中毒)的致病菌进行检测,为突发事件现场调查处理及患者的治疗及时准确提供信息和依据。方法依据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T4789-2003《食品卫生微生物学检验》和广东卫生防疫1990年增刊《病原微生物学检验常规》[1]和自行设计研究的改良分子信标-荧光PCR等检测方法进行。结果在某大学实验餐厅采集了3名厨房熟食间工作人员的肛拭子及手拭子均未检出可疑致病菌,在实验餐厅厨工10份和餐厅工作人员32份及食物中毒患者28份肛拭子中,检出鸭沙门菌29份(其中学生9份,实验餐厅厨工3份,实验餐厅工作人员17份),检出率为41.43%,23份可疑食品和7份剩余食品及10份生产加工场所环境涂抹拭子中,在1份剩余食品(烧鸭)检出鸭沙门菌。结论改良分子信标-荧光PCR检测法能快速准确的为传统方法提供检测方向信息,为现场疫情处理措施提供初步依据。 OBJECTIVE: To detect pathogenic bacteria causing foodborne diseases (food poisoning) with improved molecular beacon-fluorescence PCR and traditional methods to provide information and basis for timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment of emergencies and patients. Methods According to the National Standards of People’s Republic of China GB / T4789-2003 “Food Hygiene Microbiological Test” and Guangdong Health Epidemic Prevention 1990 Supplement “Pathogenic Microbiological Test Convention” [1] and self-designed molecular beacons - fluorescence PCR detection Method. Results There were no suspicious pathogens detected in the rectal swabs and hand swabs of three kitchen cooked food workers at a university experimental restaurant. There were 10 cooks in the experimental restaurant and 32 restaurant staff and 28 food poisoning patients In the rectal swabs, 29 Salmonella typhi (9 students, 3 chefs in the experimental restaurant and 17 staff in the experimental restaurant) were detected in the swabs. The detection rates were 41.43%, 23 suspicious foods and 7 leftover foods 10 copies of the production and processing environment smear swab, in 1 remaining food (duck) check out Salmonella typhi. Conclusion The improved molecular beacon-fluorescence PCR detection method can provide the direction information for the traditional methods quickly and accurately, providing a preliminary basis for the treatment of the epidemic situation in the field.
通过单层螺旋CT与多层螺旋CT在软硬件技术方面的比较,来说明多层螺旋CT的优点及其临床意义和未来展望。 Through the comparison of single-slice spiral CT and multi-slic
目的 观察枢经理论及“痛则不松,松则不痛”的经筋治疗理念指导下的针刀疗法对缓解早、中期膝骨关节炎(KOA)患者疼痛、关节僵硬症状及改善关节功能的临床疗效.方法 选择80例
目的探讨基于模型的动态对比增强MRI参数与非基于模型参数的相关性,评估灌注参数与组织学预后因素之间的关系。方法 102例浸润性导管癌病人应用DCE-MRI OBJECTIVE: To inves